Hypocholestin is a dietary supplement used as a means of prevention and treatment of all forms (types) of hyperlipoproteinemia and complications related to the occurrence of conditions of generalized or local vascular sclerosis (atherosclerosis) with subsequent manifestations of myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.
Hypocholestin reduces the high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL) and in particular very high density lipoproteins, as well as triglycerides , which in turn are pathognomonic for the onset of degenerative changes in the vascular system. Hypocholestin preserves the level of good cholesterol in the blood (HDL).
In the case of disturbed exchange of fats in the blood, Hypocholestin ensures their separation from the body and thus reduces the abnormal content of serum cholesterol and triglycerides .
The general detoxification of the body as a result of the use of Hypocholestin also leads to a significant reduction in the risk of colon cancer - a disease that is prevalent among men.
Hypocholestin improves intestinal peristalsis and supports difficult defecation .
Royal jelly has a long-proven effect to slow down the aging process, the effect of which is significantly enhanced in combination with the other ingredients of the dietary supplement.
The highly esterified pectin included in the structure of Hypocholestin is a determining factor in the characteristics of the dietary supplement that creates the necessary., conditions, unlocking those mechanisms of action of the so-called ion exchangers - pectin substances, to carry out their beneficial activity for humans as geroprotectors.
Hypocholestin can be taken with or without food. The usual dose is 1 capsule 3 times a day in equal parts.
Store Hypocholestin in places inaccessible to children. No special storage conditions are required.