Carotilen* improves and regulates the metabolism of the epithelial cells and protects them from degenerative alterations. Favorably affects embryonic development; the regulation of the growth and division of the cells; stimulates the growth of the bone tissue; favorably affects the function of the gonads; increases and maintains high level of the immune system.

The β-carotene contained in the palm oil, represents provitamin A, which is extremely necessary during avitaminosis – А, connected with nutritional deficiency or during impaired intestinal resorption. The chronic deficiency of Vitamin A impairs the functions of the human organism and can lead to the development of severe diseases such as keratomalacia, xerophthalmia, chicken blindness and others.

Carotilen may be used in cases of malnutrition or impairment of intestinal resorption, connected with avitaminosis – A: during strict diets for weight reduction, impaired fat metabolism, protein deficiency, diseases of the pancreas, pregnant individuals with malnutrition, users of cigarettes and alcohol. Carotilen can also be included as part of a complex therapies of many diseases – acute and chronic infections, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cystic fibrosis and erythropoietic porphyria. Carotilen, as a dietary supplement, is a prophylactic candidate for malignant neoplasms.

*Actual trading name may be subject to change.

** All images are with illustrative purpose only and do not show the actual product.

*** You can find more detailed information including contents and recommended dosage in the Store section.



