In today's very high social extreme, the conditions under which the modern person is forced to work and live, often accompanied by irrational and unbalanced diet, create preconditions for occurrence of states of distress, energy and immune imbalance, which in turn favor the unlocking of various diseases characteristic of the so - called industrial society of modern civilization. Here we can consider the cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, neoplasms, etc. If we add to the above chronic fatigue - both mental and physical, all of this leads to fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, anxiety, appearance of tics, impaired attention, memory disorders, reduction of intellectual abilities and activities, and irritability to the fullest exhaustion. Researchers have linked the causes of these symptoms to metabolic disorders and draw attention to nutritional compositions that can control these conditions of asthenia.

Physiolong* is one of those compositions whose active principles harmoniously bind to cellular metabolism and normalize the functioning of various organs - brain, muscles, internal organs, etc. Physiolong is an original biostimulator, the composition of which includes natural biologically active substances with a favorable rapid effect on the energy balance of the human organism. Physiolong may be used in a period of convalescence, after undergoing major surgery interventions, acute and chronic diseases, with increased physical and mental strain and in sports. Physiolong may be used for prophylactic in a period of influenza epidemics and during preoperative preparation or by athletes during the building of sports physical condition, pre-launch preparation and as a means of recovery.

Physiolong owes its properties to the well-chosen and optimally dosed biologically active ingredients.

Apitonin (Royal Jelly)

Secreted biological product containing all active substances necessary for the construction and existence of the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, salts, hormone-like substances, etc. Apitonin has too wide of a spectrum of beneficial action. It has bactericidal and antimicrobial activity, has an anabolic effect (increases appetite), the amount of hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells, increases the activity of the gonads. These effects are due to its ability to affect the metabolism of the body on a deeper level. Apitonin lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and largely prevents atheromatous changes in the vessels.


Creatine bound to phosphoric acid in phosphagen is a factor of particular importance in the metabolism of the molecule. It is proven that in addition to being an energy depot, it is also a regulator of intracellular energy balance. It is assumed that creatine is included both in the control of obtaining the necessary energy for the process of muscle contraction, and in the transfer of energy from the site of synthesis to the site of its use. The presence of creatine in muscle cells at all times provides a controlled, continuous production speed of energy, and an increased production as a result of muscle activity provides increased speed of energy supply.

*Trading name may be subject to change.

** All images are with illustrative purpose only and do not show the actual product.

*** You can find more detailed information in the Store section.



